No. 13: 4-6 July 2003
At some point you're just so tired. In 1991 the name "Tanz & FolkFest” had to be found quickly in the hectic birth pangs of the festival, it had to continue the tradition on which Rudolstädter Tanzfest was built, and build the content of the festival to be not so boring and folksy as some might think. It did not help that the hurdle was greater than we had ever imagined. Now it is just TFF Rudolstadt.
But what was meant to be the end of a debate in the program booklet 2003, turned out to be the beginning - many did not want to make friends with the new abbreviated name. Which means that there are three names today, TFF, Tanz & FolkFest and TanzFest. As long as you mention Rudolstadt, many will know what you are talking about.
The RUTH was also announced in 2003. After a transitional period between the old and the new world, the RUTH prize (name courtesy of Markus Brachtendorf / Lecker Sachen) was awarded in 2003 for the first time and in four categories: German, Global, Newcomer and Honorary RUTH award.
Country in Focus was Canada (outstanding: Jorane and Kid Koala), Magical instrument was the marimba, Dance of the year was the Salsa and Regional focus was directed at Berlin.
On a weekend when the city has doubled its population to guests, there were less bicycle thefts, less beer can trash and fewer drunks than usual. Friendliness, kindness and friendliness again is our motto. (Matthias Biskupek, Ossietzky)
Rudolstadt is more than a German event, this is a Central European must see. (Jiri Plocek, Czech Republic)
For the fifth time since 1994, I had made my way to Thuringia, to be there where people from around the world meet at the best take on a music festival our country has to offer. And I say it out quite freely, it is totally worthwhile. (Windrose)