Rudolstadt – „Stadt der Tanzfeste“ 1955-1989
A total of 25 dance festivals were held in Rudolstadt from 1955-1989. Depending on the fashion, culture or political tendency they had nicknamed it as "Folklorefest der Lebensfreunde"(Folklore Festival of Joy), "Treffen der Laienbühnentanzerbewegung"(Meet the Amateur Theatre Dancers Movement), "Internationale Leistungsschau der Amateur-Bühnentanzschaffenden”(International exhibition of the amateur stage dance creators) or "Fest der sozialistischen Volkerfamilie”(Festival of the socialist folk family). In addition to the dance ensemble brass bands, fanfares and folk choirs initially played a role; then the children dance groups were added. In the late 60s, the SingeKlubs of the FDJ were added. An attempt was made to socialize dance with combos and in 1975 there was even a "Rock around the market fountain"; the highlights were the gala performances of ballet professionals, the guild street craftsmen based in Thuringia, the Tanzfest Wedding and especially for everyone the big parade of all the participating dance and music groups at the end of the meeting.