No. 10: 7-9 July 2000
If others don’t do it, we must bestow it upon ourselves. The tenth anniversary contributed: the most beautiful child of German unity (Christoph Dieckmann, Die Zeit) a Symposium (Folk Music in Public Performance), designed by the Professors Max Peter Baumann and Erich Stockmann; the presentations later appeared as a double band in the series the world of music (ISSN 0043-8774). And we splurged on an aperitif in the form of a special concert on the evening before the beginning of the festival at the Heidecksburg from Goran Bregovic and his Wedding & Funeral Band. It would rain again after the '99 sun, this latest development was clear when we decided England would be the Country in Focus. There was an impressive gesture from the spectators who remained at Norma Waterson’s Heidecksburg concert as it poured buckets.” If you get wet, then we do too." To stay dry many enjoyed an exhibition in the Schiller House, where there was a revival exhibition of collected English Ken Hunt Books, Photos, LP cover’s and many other memorabilia spanning 40 years. The Magic instrument was the first musical instrument in the world, the voice, ranging from the fine polyphonic vocals of Eva Quartets (BUL) to Brullchor Mieskuoro Huutajat (FIN). As a bonus, there was a fascinating project conceived by the Stimmen-Festival in Lörrach titled "Global Vocal Meeting" (also on CD, NoEthno 1001/2). The Warsaw Village Band made their first appearance outside of Poland - it was the beginning of an international career. Lecker Sachen brought the audience to rave levels (Now its time to calm down!! – Mr Be from the audience), and there was the Bollywood Brass Band for dancing and F.S.K for chilling. Speaking of chilling: The Youth Club hall gardens had opened from 1am to 10 o’clock in the morning and offered dance music with live bands and DJs. The agreeable location and night program has since become part of the festival.